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Summer Field Renovation Project COMPLETE!




- Harrison Fulhorst, Facilities Manager 

As we all know, the school's back field is a much used and loved part of our school, but over time and with the help of the local gopher community, it became in need of some TLC. 

Working closely with our Facilities Committee, the initial assessment was that the field had numerous gopher holes, trenches and dry spots making it a less than ideal for our diverse uses and a potential source for injury. 

We applied a blend of sand and soil to the field, which effectively filled in the gopher holes and trenches. This top dressing not only improved the field’s appearance but also ensured a more even and safe playing surface.

Irrigation was repaired and modified and the field was also aerated, fertilized and seeded as is needed for general upkeep.

The field is now a much safer and more beautiful. The risk posed by the gopher damage has been eliminated and the value that the field adds to the school has been improved. There are still a few brown spots from where heavy weeds have been killed off, but they have been seeded and fertilized and will green up in no time! 

As many know, the St. Martin of Tours campus has been here since the 1950's. While we pride ourselves on maintaining the facilities to the best standard possible, there are always needs to help improve the experience for both our families, staff, and community at large. We welcome the chance to speak with you if you would be interested in finding something that interests you with regard to our facility maintenance. Please contact Director of Advancement Charles Kehres at if you would like to discuss how you could be of help.


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